Most bolts for an AR-15 come fully assembled, but if yours isn’t, this is how you assemble one from parts. I like to start by lubricating all the pins with some light gun oil. This will make them easier to install.

Image relating to How to Assemble an AR-15 Bolt


Also, be sure to add a bit of grease to each of the springs.

Image relating to How to Assemble an AR-15 Bolt


Place the extractor spring into the spring recess in the bolt with the large end inside the recess.

Image relating to How to Assemble an AR-15 Bolt


Now place the extractor on the bolt

Image relating to How to Assemble an AR-15 Bolt


and clamp it into place using a padded machinist vise.

Image relating to How to Assemble an AR-15 Bolt


Place the roll pin in the starter punch and begin driving to pin through the bolt,

Image relating to How to Assemble an AR-15 Bolt


switching to a roll pin punch to drive it the rest of the way.

Image relating to How to Assemble an AR-15 Bolt


Insert the ejector spring into the recess on the bolt face.

Image relating to How to Assemble an AR-15 Bolt


Align the clearance cut on the ejector with the ejector pin hole and insert the ejector into the bolt.

Image relating to How to Assemble an AR-15 Bolt


Press the ejector end with a flat face punch.

Image relating to How to Assemble an AR-15 Bolt


Once the clearance cut is in line with the ejector pin hole, insert a small punch to capture the ejector.

Image relating to How to Assemble an AR-15 Bolt


Now take the roll pin starter punch and seat the roll pin.

Image relating to How to Assemble an AR-15 Bolt


Use a roll pin punch to finish seating the ejector roll pin. As you drive in the roll pin, you should drive out the small punch you used to capture the objective.

Image relating to How to Assemble an AR-15 Bolt


Now slip the ring into the groove. Repeat this process with the remaining two gas rings.

Image relating to How to Assemble an AR-15 Bolt


Then adjust their positions so the open ends are not aligned, thus not compromising the gas seal.

Image relating to How to Assemble an AR-15 Bolt

–Larry Potterfield

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